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ID Card Details

(Opens your desktop email client)

Picture size: Passport size or 200 x 160 pixels (HxW)
Format: JPG
Filename Format: Firstname,Lastname.jpg (example: JohnSmith.jpg)

If the "Upload Picture" link does not work for you!

In case you do not have a desktop email client
(i.e. Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express, Mozilla Thunderbird, etc) then,
follow the steps below:
  1. Login to any web email service of your choice
    (i.e. Hotmail, Yahoo, Gmail, etc.)
  2. Address TO:
  3. Copy CC:
  4. Subject: Name - FirstName, LastName
    (Please put your last name and first name here)
  5. Attach your photo that you would have saved using this
    filename format - Firstname,Lastname.jpg
  6. Send the email